Enter The Mind of LaTasha Rhodes

Friday, February 19, 2010

Healing Time

Chapter One
Indigo walked onto the practice field taking her usual spot where her and the other dance girls lined up. Every day was getting a little cooler but it was still rather warm. She stuck her hands in her hoodie and began doing her stretches. Everyday really was beginning to become routine to her and she like that. Routine was good to Indigo it made life easier to deal so what if you were predictable.
Her thoughts were interrupted when her friend Michelle walked up full of energy. "Hey girl what you thinking bout?" "Nothing really what's up with you? You seem in a good mood." "I am things have been going good. You know last week at the B Phi B party, that guy Omari." Indigo nodded her head even though she hadn't paid that much attention she probably couldn't pick him out of a line up. "Well we've really hit things off good. But look at you make up still on, hair down, and are those your contacts. Here put on some gloss", Michelle said handing her a tube out her pocket. Indigo quickly did as she was told. "Was my lips chap or something?" "No but you never know who is watching and smile more girl. Indigo you have a beautiful smile, really." Indigo looked at Michelle curiously. "What is this all about?" "Well somebody told me you looked pretty when you smile but you barely do and it's really a same. They was like why your girl always looking like she's mad at the world. I told him I don't understand why because your not a mean person at all, actually she's a sweetheart." Michelle had peeked Indigo's interest. "Who is it Chelle? Do I know them?" "I don't think you do but he told me not to tell you so I've already said too much." "Chelle you know you ain't right. How you gonna tell me half the story without the ending. You are so wrong." Michelle just chuckled to herself. "Sorry girl I promised to conceal his identity until further notice." The drummajors brought a fast ending to their conversation by blowing the whistle. Indigo was slightly mad due to she wanted to know more about who was this guy who paid her attention in secret
She decided to brush it off due to he was probably a dog. It seemed like she only attracted the worst guys possible. And the worst they treated her the harder she fell for them. But then she couldn't remember any of the men in her life ever being any good.
Indigo was born in Meadowlarks, Georgia. She had one sibling, an older sister named Courtney who ran away from home when she was 18. Indigo was only ten and couldn't understand her sisters disappearance. The last memory of her sister was Courtney waking her up in the middle of the night. She was crying and hugging Indigo saying she was sorry but she had to leave telling her to watch out and be careful and protect herself the best way she could. Indigo didn't understand then but by her 12th birthday she soon knew what the words meant.
Indigo had been a majorette for Meadowlarks high so when Alabama State accepted her and offered a dance scholarship to be a Dancing Bell she was more then happy to pack up her life in Meadowlarks and move. Now in her sophomore year she had been in and out of three relationships with three different types of dogs. Indigo was sick of guys really. She wanted to feel genuine love and affection from a guy who really deserved her at least once. Indigo was pretty girl standing 5'6 slender with the perfect coke bottle frame. She was a dark chocolate brown with big full lips. Her ebony black hair cascaded down her back. People often thought her to be so beautiful and have this great life but in reality she was lonely and tired of being abused.
After practice Indigo scanned the field to make sure no one watching her in particularly but she saw no one so she got in her car and went home. When she opened her front door she discovered Michelle had beat her home showered and dipped out again. The two had clicked so well they had moved into an apartment together two months prior to school starting. Indigo had been working hard since she's came to school so the 230 a month was nothing with all her savings.
Indigo walked into her room going straight to her bed. Her mind drifted off to the bus ticket on her nightstand. Next month her father would be getting married. He'd only been out of prison a year so how much could he really now about his woman. Her real mother Diana and her stepfather Bobby wouldn't be in attendance.
She decided to get up and start her stack of homework she's been ignoring. Indigo was soon interrupted by her cell phone ringing, when she looked at eh screen it read Calvin. She rolled her eyes and opted to not even answer the phone but for some reason she clicked the green button and said "Hello." "Hey baby girl." Indigo was already annoyed by the conversation. "What do you want Calvin I do got homework?" "I miss you I want to come see you." "No Calvin i got homework and I don't have no time for your games, so good night." Indigo quickly shut the phone before he could even reply.
At one point and time Calvin had been the love of her life. she probably would of done anything for him until he brought the word STD into their relationship ending it quickly after. She really couldn't explain why she entertained Calvin and his infidelity, Lionel and his confused sexuality, and Craig with all around loser going no where fast qualities and not to mention his occupation as a street pharmacist. Why was it she was attracted to the creme of the poo pile? Was it due to her mother had 2 daughters by a man destined for prison then married the next available man. Not even taking the time to realize availibilty shouldn't be your only deciding factor. Something was seriously wrong with Bobby and everyone else knew it accept for Diana. But when you spend so much time looking away it would only aide him in further doing his dirt. But that was all the past Indigo was concerned with her future now.

About two hours went by and Indigo was quite pleased with how well she'd moved through her homework. She took a long hot shower then decided to relax in the living room. It wasn't even ten minutes before Michelle bust in. Her mouth was stuck in permanent smile on her cell phone. Indigo assumed it was Omari, about another five minutes went by before she hung the phone up. "What you been doing homework?" "Yea you I got to keep my straight A's." Michelle took off her jacket taking a seat on the sofa. "Girl you I'm all for school work and I know my 3.4 is nothing to your 4.0 but when is the last time you went out and had fun. You know really enjoyed yourself. It's been months since the whole Calvin incident. You have a clean bill of health so why do you insist on staying cooped up in the house like a spinster. You know you want some", Michelle added with a devilish grin."I'm good on the sex part plus it only complicates things and another thing mine is very exclusive." "Yea, yea miss thang. You need to lighten up. Sitting up in here every night ain't good. Hey you know Omari does have a roommate whose really cute and available." Indigo instantly rose, "Now Michelle no blind dates you know I hate those. I'm straight I can find someone special on my one I hate being set up. But I'm choosing to be alone right now. Now I'm going to bed I have an eight o clock." "Alright but you know what?" "What Chelle." "If she thinks she's lonely now wait until tonight", Michelle sang. Indigo smiled shaking her head at her best friend before going into her bedroom but she was right being alone wa what she needed, time to heal.

Chapter Two
Indigo sat in the car at the music building with Michelle waiting on the buses to come. The band was going to Mobile, Alabama for the Mardi Gra Parade. It was 3:30 in the morning and both couldn't wait to get their seats and go back to sleep. It wasn't long before their prayers were answered and the buses began to arrive. They unloaded the car heading in the direction of bus number three also known as the auxiliary bus. Indigo like to sit alone and all the drumline boys who felt like they had the right to sit on their bus only made her annoyed. But she found her a seat right behind Michelle she instantly put the headphones to her mp3 player in her ears, curled up with her blanket, and headed back to sleep. She didn't even notice Michelle standing over her and was startled when she spoke. "You know you ain't sleep. Omari coming to sit with me on this bus why don't you let his roommate sit with you." "I don't know him and I'm going to sleep in peace." "You are no fun and smile sometimes." "Michelle tell me who it is." "Nope he'll reveal himself when he's ready to so boo to you." Indigo rolled her eyes resuming her state of comfort. She didn't have time for boys anyway.
Indigo slept most of the way to mobile drowning out Michelle and Omari's sweet talk. they arrived there early that morning eating at a Ryan's buffet as usual. all the dancing bees sat at the same table talking about everything from men, to who was on what last night. Indigo loved them like sisters and looked at Michelle as that. It was always hard for her to trust and let people in but she knew these girls wouldn't hurt her the way others in her life had. But in the back of her mind she wondered about was anybody watching her. After eating everyone stood around outside conversating she joined a small crowd of people where Michelle was. so people had even walked over to the local Wal-Mart to kill time.
"Where's Omari not attached to side I see.?" "I dunno, I see you smiling more these days. Ain't no point in looking mean when everyone doesn't mean to hurt you." Indigo knew her friend was right, Michelle was right most of the time but she would never give her the satisfaction of knowing that. "I guess but were you cold on that bus. My feet were freezing all the way here and I didn't even think to bring a pair of socks." "I didn't bring none either." "And I didn't bring no cash and I really don't want to use my card cause I wrote a check and I don't know if it will clear if I use it." Indigo decided to shrugged off the situation and walk around with Michelle socializing until the drummajor blew the whistle to herd everyone back to the bus. And sure enough the bus's air conditioning was kicking at full blast it's a wonder her teeth didn't chatter before she could make it to her seat. But when she reached her seat she was surprised to see a small bag on her seat. when she looked in the tiny gift bag she pulled a cute pair of pink and blue socks with the letter I all over them. that was really nice of Michelle to do. "Thank you girl", Indigo said waving the socks at Michelle. "Thanks for what I didn't do anything?" "You ain't get me those socks from Wal-Mart?" "Nope." "Then who i wonder? Chelle I'm confused cause I didn't tell any of the other girls. Even Michelle was unsure about the secret admirer being in ear shot. Indigo sat down still confused as possible she pushed all her thoughts of secret admirers and romance out her head and began her transformation into the sexy dance bee In her uniform Indigo always felt like someone else. It wasn't long before the buses arrived at Bishop state and she exited the bus along with the other girls to stretch. Indigo remembered she's forgot her blush she went back on the bus to fix her make-up and this time was surprised by a note she quickly open it. "I hope your feet stay warmer so smile, pleas."Indigo instantly smiled after reading it. she tucked it away in her bag and went about touching up her performance face.

People were everywhere getting ready for the parade and this wasn't even the biggest parade. Indigo loved doing the mardi gra parade everything was fun and festive. Everyone was in a carefree mood with no troubles as if the outside world didn't matter, their only concern was having a good time. Indigo lined up in her spot alongside Michelle it was time for them start the parade. soon the drummajor blew the whistle and the cadence started. Indigo enjoyed looking around at the people and costumes then she did performing.
After the parade was over all the participating bands would go to Bishop state college to eat Bar-B-que. It was nice and se looked forward to seeing JaNell from her hometown. JaNell had been a flag girl at Meadowlarks high school and they ran with the same clique of girls. JaNell was now a flag girl for her rival school Alabama A&M. So they saw each other alot. It didn't take her long to find JaNell they embraced and hug and got into the long line for food together. Talking about everything and laughing about old times. Indigo felt like she didn't have much to share unlike JaNell who was going through a debate of love with this boy Terrance. From what she'd heard she really didn't think Allen or Terrance were the one. Indigo really didn't have too much advice to give either. Once they got their food JaNell had to cut their conversation short due to she was online for Tau Beta Sigma so Indigo went to find Michelle. She was sitting at nearby picnic table.
"What again no Omari?" "funny miss ma'am but him and his roommate Kevin were late getting in line and I told them they could sit with us two. and Kevin is cute so don't be acting all uptight." Michelle had a sly grin on her face like a sneaky cat. "I know what you are trying to and it won't work." Michelle rolled her eyes, "Whatever let mother nature do her thing then." "You are really determined are you?" "Determine on my best friend being happy then yea I am."
Their conversation was cut short when Omari walked up with another guy. Indigo looked him over he wasn't tall but he wasn't short, brown skin with eyes that smiled with him. That usually meant he had a good sense of humor. Omari decided to do introductions before allowing this random boy sit next to her. "Indigo this my roommate Kevin. Kevin this is Michelle's roommate Indigo." "Hey Kevin." "Hi Indigo thats different I like that", Kevin said sitting down. "Yea so did my mother."
"So Indigo where you from?" "Meadowlarks, Georgia", Indigo answered monotone. Michelle decided to jump into the conversation and save it because clearly it was going no where fast. "Kevin is from Birmingham him and Omari stay in Woodlawn apartments just down the street from us." Indigo gave a fake smile then returned to her food. Silence fell over the table until Omari decided to try his attempt at saving the conversation."Indigo you got any plans for spring break?" "Nope probably get some extra hours at work." Michelle jumped in, "Omari's parents are letting him get their time share in Florida. I was gonna go and I thought it would be fun for you to go to. We can all go and have fun on the beach." "Who is we Kay?" "You know me, you, Omari, and Kevin." "I dunno how many bedrooms", Indigo asked looking over at Kevin? Omari quickly answered, "It a two bedroom but one of the rooms has twin beds." "I'll think about it cause no offense to you or anything but I don't know you." "Understandable cause I don't know you either and I don't know if I would be comfortable either being all I know of you is your name, where are you from, and you like to be alone on the bus."Indigo looked at Kevin now annoyed. "Excuse me if I want my peace and quiet." "You know what don't even worry about Florida if you can't even handle someone seating on the bus with you how could you possible share a room with someone of the opposite sex." "I guess you're right so you can count me out." Michelle looked at Omari they were both thinking how had this meeting done a nose dive so quickly, the whole thing had went terrible. the four ate with only Omari and Kayla'dee speaking to one another. Indigo finished her food then excused herself from the table. She went on a search for JaNell. JaNell hid out for as long as she could so they could talk but eventually she had to go so Indigo returned to the bus. All she could think about was how much Kevin annoyed her she almost didn’t see the surprise on her seat for a third time. This time a rose and a note was on her seat "Life is not always a battle." This now left her even more confused.

Chapter Three

Michelle went about Indigo's room throwing various items into her suitcase. "I can't believe you convinced me to go with you", Indigo said folding the clothes Kayla'dee was picking out. "Don't worry they'll be here soon and the sooner we get to the beach it will put your mind in a better mood. Who knows you and Kevin might really hit off if you al could have a decent conversation." Indigo thought for a moment. "I highly doubt it." "C'mon Indigo try please to have a good time." "Okay okay I'll try not to be so difficult I guess. But don't go planning me and Kevin's wedding or anything close to that." "I'm not but I want you to enjoy a little romance you know something that makes you smile for no reason." Indigo looked funny at Michelle. "You are too much of a hopeless romantic."
The doorbell rang interrupting their conversation. "Must be them." Michelle got up to answer the door. Two minutes later Kevin appeared at the doorway of her room. "Where are your bags?" "Oh, a gentlemen too, but give me a minute then you can roll it out." Kevin rolled his eyes then sat on the edge of the bed. "Nice room." Kevin looked around admiring the Indigo blue room. "Who's that your mom and your sister?" Indigo looked up the family portrait they had taken when she was six and Courtney was fourteen. "Yea my mom and my sister Courtney." "Nice you all look alike. I got two older sister and an older brother. Shawntae and Angela who are 28 and 29 then my brother Cedric who is 26. How old is Courtney?" Indigo was moving about the room looking for this and that not wanting to forget anything. "She's eight years older than me." "Oh I miss my family their off doing their own thing they all live in Alabama but none of them live in Birmingham. Is Courtney close by? "No I don't I haven't talk to my sister in some time she felt like she had to escape our family." Kevin felt like he was hitting a sensitive spot and better back off. Indigo zipped up her suitcase. "Thank you for taking my bag to the car." "Oh yea the timeshare has a pull out sofa and I know your still a little on the fence about this whole situation so I'll crash there to ease your mind. And you don't really know me so I want you to be comfortable unto you do." "Thank you Kevin, tell Kayla'dee I'm gonna check the mail then I'll be down there. Kevin nodded and disappeared. Indigo thought that was sweet of Kevin then put her flip flops making her way down to the mail boxes. No real mail except for a letter which was weird since who wrote letters anymore

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